<div class="p1"></div><div class="p1">You should use the responseData instead responseString, becouse responseString use defaultCodificationString of ASIHTTPRequest.</div><div class="p1"></div><pre style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(240, 240, 240); border: 1px dashed rgb(204, 204, 204); color: black; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; height: auto; line-height: 20px; overflow: auto; padding: 0px; text-align: left; width: 99%;"><div class="p1">NSData* data...

Call setValue:forKey: and use key _parentViewController with the viewController:<pre style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(240, 240, 240); border: 1px dashed rgb(204, 204, 204); color: black; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; height: auto; line-height: 20px; overflow: auto; padding: 0px; text-align: left; width: 99%;"> - (void)setParentController:(UIViewController*)parent{ [self setValue:parent forKey:@"_parentViewController"]; } </pre>Source

Implement a sort method logic in your custom class, like:<pre style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(240, 240, 240); border: 1px dashed rgb(204, 204, 204); color: black; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; height: auto; line-height: 20px; overflow: auto; padding: 0px; text-align: left; width: 99%;"> - (NSComparisonResult)higher:(Channel *)otherChannel { return self.number >...

<div>There some options:</div><ul><li>You need to jailbreak and install BTStack.</li></ul><div style="text-align: center;">BTStack</div><ul><li>Your external device must acomplish MFI Program and you can use External API and Tips for external.</li></ul><div style="text-align: center;">MFI Terms</div><div><ul><li>The iPhone 4S also supports communication with Bluetooth 4.0 Low Power devices through the new Core Bluetooth framework. These devices need not be in...